





Social Media Glossary

Master the lingo and level up your social media marketing game! This glossary unlocks the meaning behind essential social media terms.



The unseen puppeteer of social media feeds. Algorithms curate content based on user behavior, influencing what people see and interact with. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for crafting content that gets noticed.

AMA (Ask Me Anything)

An interactive Q&A session hosted on social media platforms like Reddit or Twitter. AMAs are a great way for brands and personalities to connect with their audience and generate buzz.


Your digital face in the social media world! Avatars are profile pictures that visually represent you or your brand.


Numbers that tell a story! Social media analytics provide insights into your content's performance, helping you understand what resonates with your audience and optimize your strategy.

A/B Test

A scientific method used to compare two variations of social media content, such as posts or ads, to see which one performs better. A/B testing helps you optimize your content for engagement, reach, or other desired outcomes.

AI Agents

In AI, an agent is an entity that can perceive its environment and take actions that affect that environment. Agents take actions autonomously in order to achieve goals, and may improve its performance with learning or acquiring knowledge.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

A hypothetical type of AI that would possess human-level intelligence and be able to apply that intelligence to any intellectual task. AGI does not currently exist.


The unseen puppeteer of social media feeds. Algorithms curate content based on user behavior, influencing what people see and interact with. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for crafting content that gets noticed.



Your short introduction on social media profiles. Craft a compelling bio that grabs attention and tells your audience who you are and what you do.


A website or online journal where you share information and insights in a conversational style. Blogs can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your social media channels.


Short for robot, social media bots are automated accounts that can perform various tasks like sending messages, following users, or moderating comments.

Brand Advocacy

When customers or fans become champions for your brand, promoting it organically on social media.

Brand Awareness

The first stage of the marketing funnel, where you make potential customers aware of your brand or product. Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness.

Brand Guidelines

A document that outlines your brand's voice, personality, and visual identity. These guidelines ensure consistency across all your marketing channels, including social media.

Brand Storytelling

The art of crafting narratives that connect with your audience on an emotional level. Social media is a perfect platform for brand storytelling.

Blended Intelligence

Combining human expertise with AI capabilities to achieve optimal results in social media marketing.

Buyer Persona

Detailed profile of a fictional character representing your ideal customer. Buyer personas are created based on market research and real data about your existing customers. They help you understand your target audience's needs, wants, challenges, and goals. This understanding allows you to tailor your marketing messages, products, and services to better resonate with your ideal customers.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

Final stage in the sales funnel, also known as the customer journey.


Call to Action (CTA)

A clear and concise instruction that tells users what you want them to do after seeing your social media content. Examples include "Click Here to Learn More" or "Shop Now."


Content with sensational headlines designed to grab attention but often misleading or disappointing upon clicking.

Community Management

The ongoing process of building, engaging with, and nurturing a community around your brand on social media platforms.

Content Calendar

A plan that outlines the types of content you will share on social media and when. A well-organized content calendar helps maintain consistency and achieve your social media goals.

Content Curation

The process of finding, collecting, and sharing valuable content from various sources on your social media channels.

Carousel Ads

A format for social media advertising that allows you to showcase multiple images or videos in a swipeable format, providing a more immersive experience for viewers.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of users who click on a link in your social media content after seeing it. A high CTR indicates that your content is engaging and relevant to your audience.

Conversion Tracking

Monitoring the actions users take after interacting with your social media content. Conversion tracking helps you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

Content Personalization

Using AI to tailor social media content to individual users based on their interests, demographics, and past behavior. This leads to a more relevant and engaging experience.


Text accompanying an image or video post on social media. Effective captions are clear, concise, and engaging, often incorporating calls to action and relevant hashtags.

Channel Art

The banner image displayed at the top of a YouTube channel. It's a prime piece of real estate for branding and grabbing viewers' attention.

Channel Trailer

A short video on a YouTube channel that introduces viewers to the channel's content and personality.


Sharing the same content across multiple social media platforms to maximize reach and engagement. However, tailoring content for each platform can be more effective.

CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

The amount you pay each time someone clicks on your social media ad. Understanding CPC helps you optimize your ad budget for maximum return on investment (ROI).

CPL (Cost-Per-Lead)

The amount you pay for each lead generated through your social media marketing efforts. Tracking CPL helps you assess the effectiveness of your lead generation campaigns.


This term isn't as widely used but can refer to the ratio of positive to negative customer feedback received on social media.

CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)

Similar to CFBR, CSAT gauges customer satisfaction but can encompass a broader range of feedback methods, potentially including social media interactions.

Creative Commons

A set of licenses that allow creators to share their work while specifying how others can use it. Understanding Creative Commons is crucial when using copyrighted material on social media.


Individuals who produce content for social media platforms, such as bloggers, YouTubers, and influencers.


In social media advertising, a cap can refer to a spending limit set for a campaign.


Dark Posts

Content created specifically for targeted advertising campaigns that are not visible to everyone on a social media platform. (Note: Facebook has announced plans to increase transparency around paid advertising).

Direct Message (DM)

A private message sent directly to another user's social media inbox. DMs are a great way for communication between brands and followers or for private conversations among friends.

Disappearing Content

Content that automatically deletes itself after a set period of time, such as Stories on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. This format creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, potentially boosting engagement.

Demand Generation

Strategies used to generate interest and leads for a product or service. Social media can be a powerful tool for demand generation through targeted campaigns and content marketing.

Deep Learning

A type of AI that uses artificial neural networks to learn from vast amounts of data. Deep learning can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content personalization and ad targeting.


The act of mindlessly scrolling through negative or upsetting content on social media, often leading to feelings of anxiety or depression.

Drip Campaign

A series of automated emails or messages sent to leads or customers over a period of time, nurturing relationships and promoting products or services.

Dialogue Management

This refers to the AI agent's ability to understand and respond to user queries in a natural, conversational way. It involves techniques like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to interpret user intent and provide relevant information.


Embedded Media

Digital media (video, audio, etc.) from one platform seamlessly integrated into another platform's content. This allows for a richer user experience without leaving the current platform.


Small digital icons or illustrations used to express emotions, ideas, or objects in online communication. Emojis can add personality and humor to social media content.

Ephemeral Content

Content that disappears after a set time, such as Stories on various platforms. This format fosters a sense of urgency and exclusivity, potentially boosting engagement.

Employee Advocacy

A strategy where a company encourages its employees to promote the brand and its products or services on their personal social media channels. This leverages the trust and authenticity employees bring to build brand awareness.

Evergreen Content

Content that remains relevant and valuable over time, regardless of publication date. Evergreen content is ideal for social media platforms where users might encounter older posts.

Emotion Recognition

AI technology that can detect emotions in text, audio, or video data. This can be used in social media marketing to analyze audience sentiment and tailor content accordingly.

Drip Campaign

A series of automated emails or messages sent to leads or customers over a period of time, nurturing relationships and promoting products or services.

Dialogue Management

This refers to the AI agent's ability to understand and respond to user queries in a natural, conversational way. It involves techniques like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to interpret user intent and provide relevant information.


Fake News

Fabricated or misleading information presented as news, often spread on social media. It's crucial to be critical of information encountered online and verify its credibility from trustworthy sources.


A follower who demonstrates a strong interest in your brand or content. Cultivating a loyal fanbase is essential for building a thriving social media presence.


A personalized stream of content displayed on social media platforms, showcasing posts from users and pages you follow. Algorithms curate the content based on your interests and engagement patterns.


A social media user who has subscribed to your content updates and will see your posts in their feed. Growing your follower base is crucial for expanding your reach and audience.

Finsta (Fake Instagram)

A private Instagram account often used to share content that wouldn't be suitable for a public profile. While Finstas can be a space for personal expression, brands might encounter brand mentions or discussions on these accounts.

Follower Growth

The process of attracting new followers to your social media channels. Strategies like running contests, collaborating with influencers, and creating engaging content can help achieve follower growth.


A marketing model that visualizes the customer journey, from initial awareness to conversion (purchase or desired action). Social media plays a vital role in various stages of the marketing funnel.

False Negative (FN)

In classification tasks, a false negative refers to a data point that the model incorrectly identifies as negative when it's actually positive.



A tag that indicates the geographical location of a photo/video published on a social network. Adding geotags can provide context and help users discover content from specific locations.


A location-based marketing technique that allows you to target users within a specific geographic area with social media ads or content. This helps personalize the user experience and ensure your message reaches a relevant audience.


Animated images or short video clips widely used on social media platforms to express emotions and add humor or visual interest to your content.


A feature on social media platforms that allows multiple users to connect and share content within a dedicated space. Groups can be a valuable tool for building communities around shared interests.

Guerrilla Marketing

Unconventional and often low-budget marketing tactics that leverage social media to generate buzz and brand awareness.

Generative AI

This refers to AI models that can create new content, such as text, images, or videos. While still under development, generative AI has the potential to revolutionize social media marketing by assisting with content creation and personalization.

Ghost Follower

An inactive or fake account following your social media profile. Ghost followers can inflate your follower count but don't contribute to real engagement. Tools and services can help identify and remove ghost followers.


The use of game mechanics and elements (points, badges, leaderboards) in non-game contexts, such as social media marketing campaigns. Gamification can increase user engagement and encourage participation.

Gray Area Content

Content that teeters on the edge of violating a social media platform's community guidelines. It's crucial to understand and adhere to platform guidelines to avoid having your content removed or your account suspended.



A word or phrase prefixed with # that categorizes content and allows users to discover relevant topics and conversations. Using relevant hashtags can increase your content's discoverability.


Your username or alias on a social media platform.

Highlight (Instagram)

A compilation of Stories on Instagram that remain viewable on your profile even after the 24-hour window. Highlights allow you to showcase curated content and provide a snapshot of your brand or personality.


The title or introductory phrase of a social media post that grabs attention and entices users to read further. Craft compelling headlines that pique audience interest.

Human-Centered Design

An approach to social media marketing that prioritizes the user experience. Understanding your audience's needs and preferences is crucial for crafting engaging content.



The number of times your content appears on a user's screen, regardless of whether they engage with it. Impressions are a basic metric for measuring content reach.

Influencer Marketing

The practice of partnering with social media personalities (influencers) to promote a brand or product to their audience. Influencers can help brands reach a wider audience and build trust.


A term used to describe something visually appealing and well-suited for capturing and sharing on Instagram. Many businesses strive to create "Instagrammable" experiences or products to attract user-generated content.

Inbound Marketing

A marketing strategy that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored totheir interests. Social media is a key platform for inbound marketing efforts.


Data and analytics provided by social media platforms that offer valuable insights into your audience demographics, content performance, and engagement metrics. Understanding these insights is crucial for optimizing your social media strategy.

Image Recognition

AI technology that can identify and classify objects, people, and scenes within an image. This can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content moderation or targeted advertising.



Someone who can handle various social media tasks, from content creation to community management.

Jam Session

A collaborative live stream where multiple users contribute content or participate in a discussion on a social media platform.


A powerful or unstoppable force. In social media marketing, a juggernaut can refer to a brand or influencer with a massive and highly engaged following.


While a fictional name (from Iron Man), JARVIS represents the potential of AI assistants that can manage various tasks, potentially including social media content creation or management in the future. Atlabs is building the JARVIS for your team.



A system where good or bad deeds are believed to be rewarded or punished. On social media, positive interactions (likes, comments) can be seen as "good karma," while negative interactions might be seen as "bad karma."

Keyboard Warrior

Someone who expresses aggressive or inflammatory views online, often anonymously.


A public expression of praise or admiration. On social media, kudos can be given through likes, comments, or sharing content.


A measurable value that reflects how effectively a marketing campaign or social media strategy is achieving its objectives. Setting clear KPIs helps you track progress and optimize your approach.

Knowledge Graph

A large database of interconnected information entities, used by AI models to understand and process information. Knowledge graphs can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content personalization and recommendation systems.


A term used in influencer marketing to describe an influencer's appeal and influence beyond just follower count. Factors like engagement rate and brand alignment contribute to K-Factor.

Kill fee

A fee paid to an influencer if a brand partnership is terminated before completion.


Live Stream

A real-time broadcast of video and audio content on a social media platform. Live streams can be a powerful tool for connecting with audiences in an interactive way.


A social media user who reads posts and views content but doesn't actively participate by liking, commenting, or sharing.

Landing Page

A web page designed specifically for a marketing campaign, often reached by clicking on a social media ad. Landing pages typically have a clear call to action (CTA) to encourage conversions.


A powerful AI model trained on massive amounts of text data. LLMs have the potential to revolutionize social media marketing by assisting with tasks like content creation, sentiment analysis, and personalized marketing messages.

Lens (Snapchat)

Snapchat Lenses are augmented reality filters that users can apply to their photos and videos, adding special effects and animations. These can be a fun and engaging way to create unique content and increase user interaction.

Link In Bio

Since Instagram profiles only allow one clickable link, the "link in bio" refers to the space in the profile description where users can add a URL that directs users to a specific website, landing page, or another social media profile. Many users leverage services that allow them to create a micro-landing page with multiple links accessible through the single link in bio.

Link Building

A general SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy that involves acquiring links from other websites to your own website. While not directly a social media marketing term, link building can be relevant if you're driving traffic from social media to your website and want to improve your website's search ranking.



The act of referencing another user or account in a social media post by using their username preceded by an "@" symbol. Mentions are a great way to spark conversations and increase visibility.


A cultural phenomenon or image often accompanied by text, spread virally on the internet. Memes can be a powerful tool for social media marketing if used strategically to create relatable and engaging content.


An influencer with a smaller but highly engaged following, often within a specific niche. Partnering with micro-influencers can be an effective strategy for reaching a targeted audience and building trust.


The action of temporarily silencing a user or account on a social media platform. This allows you to filter out their content from your feed without unfollowing them completely.


The act of leveraging an existing meme and modifying it to promote a brand or product. This can be a risky strategy, as it's crucial to ensure the meme aligns with your brand voice and doesn't come across as disrespectful to the original meme.


The portion of a target audience's attention that is dedicated to a particular brand or message. Social media marketing aims to capture a significant share of your target audience's mindshare.

Multimodal Learning

A type of AI that can learn from and process multiple forms of data, such as text, images, and audio. Atlabs employing multi-modal AI agents to understand complex content and user behavior more effectively.


A term encompassing all aspects of communication used to promote a product, brand, or service. Social media plays a vital role in modern marketing communication strategies.



A blend of "net" and "citizen," referring to an active participant in online communities, especially social media. pen_spark

NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

A content warning used to indicate that a post or image might be inappropriate for viewing in a professional setting due to nudity, violence, or offensive language.


A specialized segment of a market with specific interests or needs. Social media marketing often focuses on targeting niche audiences to deliver highly relevant content.


An influencer with a very small but highly engaged following, often within a very specific niche. Partnering with nano-influencers can be an effective way to reach a hyper-targeted audience.


A subfield of AI that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. NLP can be used in social media marketing for tasks like sentiment analysis, content creation, and chatbots.


A metric used to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty. While not exclusive to social media, NPS can be measured through social media interactions and surveys to understand customer sentiment.


The act of capitalizing on current events or trending news stories to promote your brand or product. This can be an effective strategy to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience, but it's crucial to be respectful of the news event and avoid seeming insensitive.


The etiquette of online communication, including social media. Netiquette guidelines encourage respectful and responsible behavior when interacting with others online.


Irrelevant or unwanted information that can clutter a social media feed and distract users from your content.


Organic Reach

Organic reach refers to the number of unique people who see and engage with your content on social media without any paid promotion or advertising. Organic reach occurs from followers engaging with posts or people seeing their social media friends sharing or engaging with the content.


The act of disclosing too much personal information on social media. It's important to be mindful of what you share online and maintain boundaries.

Outbound Marketing

A marketing strategy that involves actively reaching out to potential customers through various channels, such as advertisingor cold calls. Social media marketing can be used as part of an outbound strategy, but it's often more effective when combined with inbound marketing techniques.


The process of improving something to achieve the best possible results. In social media marketing, optimization involves constantly refining your content, strategy, and targeting to maximize engagement and reach.

OG (Original Gangster)

On social media, OG can be used to refer to someone who has been on a platform for a long time or is considered an authority figure within a specific online community.

Owned Media

Content that a brand or business creates and controls, such as blog posts, social media content, or website content. Owned media is a cornerstone of content marketing strategies.


When a particular hashtag or content theme becomes too common, leading to decreased impact or user fatigue.


PM (Private Message)

A direct message sent to another user on a social media platform.

Persona (Buyer Persona)

A fictional representation of your ideal customer, used in marketing to tailor your content and messaging to resonate with their interests and needs.

Paid Advertising

The use of paid social media ads to reach a wider audience and achieve specific marketing goals. Paid advertising allows for targeted demographics and interests.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

An advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time someone clicks on their ad. PPC advertising is common on social media platforms.


The act of tailoring content, advertising, and recommendations to individual user preferences and behavior. AI can play a significant role in social media marketing personalization.


A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details by pretending to be a legitimate company or person. Be cautious of suspicious links or messages on social media.

Power User

A highly active and influential user on a social media platform.



Stands for "crying" or "sad" and is often used in online gaming communities.


Informal way to refer to a Quote Tweet on Twitter.


A session where a user or brand invites questions from their audience and then responds to them publicly. Q&As can be a great way to engage with followers, build trust, and address their concerns.



The number of unique people who see your content on social media, regardless of whether they engage with it. Organic reach (without paid promotion) can be influenced by factors like follower count, posting frequency, and content relevance.


A metric that measures the profitability of an investment. In social media marketing, ROI can be used to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns by comparing the costs to the benefits (increased brand awareness, website traffic, leads, etc.).


An online advertising technique that shows ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or social media content. This can be a powerful way to stay top-of-mind with potential customers who haven't converted yet.

Referral program

A marketing strategy that incentivizes existing customers to recommend your product or service to others. Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting referral programs.

Reputation Management

The process of monitoring and influencing the online perception of a brand or person. Social media plays a crucial role in reputation management, as it allows for direct communication with audiences and addressing concerns.


Social Listening

Social listening involves actively monitoring online conversations to understand what people are saying about your brand, industry, or competitors.

Social Commerce

Social commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services directly through social media platforms.


It involves optimizing your content and social media profiles to rank higher in search engine results when people search for relevant keywords. This can drive organic traffic to your social media profiles


A suspected (but not officially confirmed) practice by social media platforms where they restrict the reach of a user's content without notifying them. This can happen due to repeated violations of community guidelines or posting spammy content.

Social Inbox

A centralized location within a social media platform where you can manage all your incoming messages, comments, and mentions from various channels. This helps you stay organized and respond to your audience effectively.

Social Media Automation

Using tools to automate repetitive tasks on social media, such as scheduling posts, responding to comments, or sending direct messages. Automation can save time, but it's crucial to use it strategically and maintain a human touch in your interactions.

Social Media Marketing

The broader process of managing a brand's social media presence. It encompasses tasks like content creation, scheduling, community management, analytics reporting, and staying updated on social media trends.

Social Media Management

A centralized location within a social media platform where you can manage all your incoming messages, comments, and mentions from various channels. This helps you stay organized and respond to your audience effectively.

Social Media ROI (Return on Investment)

Measuring the effectiveness of your social media campaigns to understand the return you're getting on your investment (time, money, resources). This can involve metrics like website traffic, lead generation, brand awareness, and customer engagement.

Social Proof

The psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to trust or try something if they see others doing the same. Social media platforms leverage social proof through features like likes, shares, reviews, and influencer marketing.

Social Selling

The use of social media platforms to connect with potential customers, build relationships, and ultimately drive sales. This can involve engaging in conversations, sharing valuable content, and promoting your products or services in a non-intrusive way.


A slang term for an overly enthusiastic or obsessive fan of a particular celebrity, musician, or public figure.

Sponsored Post

A social media post created by a brand or influencer that is paid for to reach a wider audience. Sponsored posts are typically labeled as "sponsored" or "ad" to ensure transparency.


A temporary photo and video sharing format on various social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Stories disappear after a set time (usually 24 hours), creating a sense of urgency and encouraging viewers to engage in real-time.


Targeted Advertising

Delivering ads to specific users based on their demographics, interests, online behavior, and other factors. This allows for more relevant and effective advertising compared to untargeted ads.

Trending Topic

A subject or hashtag that is gaining significant popularity on a social media platform at a particular point in time.

Topical Authority

The perceived expertise or knowledge of a brand or individual on a specific subject. Social media content that demonstrates thought leadership can help establish topical authority.

Thought Leadership

Positioning yourself or your brand as an authority in your industry by sharing valuable insights and expertise. Social media is a powerful platform for thought leadership content.


AI technology that converts written text into spoken audio. Atlabs has one of the best TTS model for social video creation in the market.

Tea Spill

Sharing gossip or insider information online, often on social media.


An internet user who posts inflammatory, off-topic, or deliberately offensive content with the intent to provoke a reaction from others. Trolls often disrupt online conversations and create a negative atmosphere.

Touch Grass

Primarily an online insult, often used in response to someone expressing an opinion or engaging in behavior perceived as overly negative, obsessive, or out of touch with reality. It suggests the person needs to disconnect from the internet and reconnect with the real world.



It refers to content created by users, such as photos, videos, or reviews, that is shared on social media platforms. UGC can be a powerful marketing tool as it builds trust and authenticity.


This term is primarily used on platforms like Reddit. An upvote indicates agreement or approval of a post or comment.

URL Shortener

URL shorteners are fantastic tools for keeping your social media posts concise and visually appealing. They take a long, often messy, URL and transform it into a shorter, more manageable link.


Vanity Metrics

Statistics that look good on the surface but don't necessarily reflect the true performance or value of your social media efforts. Examples include high follower counts or large numbers of likes. While these might seem impressive, they don't necessarily translate to engagement or conversions.

Verified Account

A social media account that has been officially confirmed by the platform to be the authentic profile of a public figure, brand, or organization. Verification badges (often a checkmark symbol) signify legitimacy and can boost trust and credibility.

Viral Marketing

A marketing strategy that aims to create content that is shared rapidly and widely across social media platforms. Viral content can be anything from funny videos to informative articles, and its success often relies on strong emotional triggers and shareability.


A blog where content is presented primarily in a video format. Vlogs can be a great way to share personal stories, tutorials, or reviews on social media platforms like YouTube.


Wholesome Content

Content that is positive, uplifting, and generally avoids negativity or offensive themes. Wholesome content can be a great way to create a positive and engaging online community.


In social media marketing, a whitelist can refer to a list of approved users, influencers, or partners who can access exclusive content or participate in specific campaigns.


A slang term often used on social media to refer to the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Watch Time

The total time users spend watching videos on social media platforms.



This abbreviation stands for "hugs and kisses" and is often used to express affection or well wishes in online communication, including social media comments and messages.



A social media meme and slang term used to express a carefree or impulsive attitude. While not inherently negative, it can sometimes be associated with risky or reckless behavior.


A lengthy and often unproductive online conversation.


An expression of surprise, dismay, or awkwardness, often used in online chats and comments.



The unseen puppeteer of social media feeds. Algorithms curate content based on user behavior, influencing what people see and interact with. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for crafting content that gets noticed.

AMA (Ask Me Anything)

An interactive Q&A session hosted on social media platforms like Reddit or Twitter. AMAs are a great way for brands and personalities to connect with their audience and generate buzz.


Your digital face in the social media world! Avatars are profile pictures that visually represent you or your brand.


Numbers that tell a story! Social media analytics provide insights into your content's performance, helping you understand what resonates with your audience and optimize your strategy.

A/B Test

A scientific method used to compare two variations of social media content, such as posts or ads, to see which one performs better. A/B testing helps you optimize your content for engagement, reach, or other desired outcomes.

AI Agents

In AI, an agent is an entity that can perceive its environment and take actions that affect that environment. Agents take actions autonomously in order to achieve goals, and may improve its performance with learning or acquiring knowledge.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

A hypothetical type of AI that would possess human-level intelligence and be able to apply that intelligence to any intellectual task. AGI does not currently exist.


The unseen puppeteer of social media feeds. Algorithms curate content based on user behavior, influencing what people see and interact with. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for crafting content that gets noticed.



Your short introduction on social media profiles. Craft a compelling bio that grabs attention and tells your audience who you are and what you do.


A website or online journal where you share information and insights in a conversational style. Blogs can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your social media channels.


Short for robot, social media bots are automated accounts that can perform various tasks like sending messages, following users, or moderating comments.

Brand Advocacy

When customers or fans become champions for your brand, promoting it organically on social media.

Brand Awareness

The first stage of the marketing funnel, where you make potential customers aware of your brand or product. Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness.

Brand Guidelines

A document that outlines your brand's voice, personality, and visual identity. These guidelines ensure consistency across all your marketing channels, including social media.

Brand Storytelling

The art of crafting narratives that connect with your audience on an emotional level. Social media is a perfect platform for brand storytelling.

Blended Intelligence

Combining human expertise with AI capabilities to achieve optimal results in social media marketing.

Buyer Persona

Detailed profile of a fictional character representing your ideal customer. Buyer personas are created based on market research and real data about your existing customers. They help you understand your target audience's needs, wants, challenges, and goals. This understanding allows you to tailor your marketing messages, products, and services to better resonate with your ideal customers.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

Final stage in the sales funnel, also known as the customer journey.


Call to Action (CTA)

A clear and concise instruction that tells users what you want them to do after seeing your social media content. Examples include "Click Here to Learn More" or "Shop Now."


Content with sensational headlines designed to grab attention but often misleading or disappointing upon clicking.

Community Management

The ongoing process of building, engaging with, and nurturing a community around your brand on social media platforms.

Content Calendar

A plan that outlines the types of content you will share on social media and when. A well-organized content calendar helps maintain consistency and achieve your social media goals.

Content Curation

The process of finding, collecting, and sharing valuable content from various sources on your social media channels.

Carousel Ads

A format for social media advertising that allows you to showcase multiple images or videos in a swipeable format, providing a more immersive experience for viewers.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of users who click on a link in your social media content after seeing it. A high CTR indicates that your content is engaging and relevant to your audience.

Conversion Tracking

Monitoring the actions users take after interacting with your social media content. Conversion tracking helps you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

Content Personalization

Using AI to tailor social media content to individual users based on their interests, demographics, and past behavior. This leads to a more relevant and engaging experience.


Text accompanying an image or video post on social media. Effective captions are clear, concise, and engaging, often incorporating calls to action and relevant hashtags.

Channel Art

The banner image displayed at the top of a YouTube channel. It's a prime piece of real estate for branding and grabbing viewers' attention.

Channel Trailer

A short video on a YouTube channel that introduces viewers to the channel's content and personality.


Sharing the same content across multiple social media platforms to maximize reach and engagement. However, tailoring content for each platform can be more effective.

CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

The amount you pay each time someone clicks on your social media ad. Understanding CPC helps you optimize your ad budget for maximum return on investment (ROI).

CPL (Cost-Per-Lead)

The amount you pay for each lead generated through your social media marketing efforts. Tracking CPL helps you assess the effectiveness of your lead generation campaigns.


This term isn't as widely used but can refer to the ratio of positive to negative customer feedback received on social media.

CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)

Similar to CFBR, CSAT gauges customer satisfaction but can encompass a broader range of feedback methods, potentially including social media interactions.

Creative Commons

A set of licenses that allow creators to share their work while specifying how others can use it. Understanding Creative Commons is crucial when using copyrighted material on social media.


Individuals who produce content for social media platforms, such as bloggers, YouTubers, and influencers.


In social media advertising, a cap can refer to a spending limit set for a campaign.


Dark Posts

Content created specifically for targeted advertising campaigns that are not visible to everyone on a social media platform. (Note: Facebook has announced plans to increase transparency around paid advertising).

Direct Message (DM)

A private message sent directly to another user's social media inbox. DMs are a great way for communication between brands and followers or for private conversations among friends.

Disappearing Content

Content that automatically deletes itself after a set period of time, such as Stories on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. This format creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, potentially boosting engagement.

Demand Generation

Strategies used to generate interest and leads for a product or service. Social media can be a powerful tool for demand generation through targeted campaigns and content marketing.

Deep Learning

A type of AI that uses artificial neural networks to learn from vast amounts of data. Deep learning can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content personalization and ad targeting.


The act of mindlessly scrolling through negative or upsetting content on social media, often leading to feelings of anxiety or depression.

Drip Campaign

A series of automated emails or messages sent to leads or customers over a period of time, nurturing relationships and promoting products or services.

Dialogue Management

This refers to the AI agent's ability to understand and respond to user queries in a natural, conversational way. It involves techniques like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to interpret user intent and provide relevant information.


Embedded Media

Digital media (video, audio, etc.) from one platform seamlessly integrated into another platform's content. This allows for a richer user experience without leaving the current platform.


Small digital icons or illustrations used to express emotions, ideas, or objects in online communication. Emojis can add personality and humor to social media content.

Ephemeral Content

Content that disappears after a set time, such as Stories on various platforms. This format fosters a sense of urgency and exclusivity, potentially boosting engagement.

Employee Advocacy

A strategy where a company encourages its employees to promote the brand and its products or services on their personal social media channels. This leverages the trust and authenticity employees bring to build brand awareness.

Evergreen Content

Content that remains relevant and valuable over time, regardless of publication date. Evergreen content is ideal for social media platforms where users might encounter older posts.

Emotion Recognition

AI technology that can detect emotions in text, audio, or video data. This can be used in social media marketing to analyze audience sentiment and tailor content accordingly.

Drip Campaign

A series of automated emails or messages sent to leads or customers over a period of time, nurturing relationships and promoting products or services.

Dialogue Management

This refers to the AI agent's ability to understand and respond to user queries in a natural, conversational way. It involves techniques like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to interpret user intent and provide relevant information.


Fake News

Fabricated or misleading information presented as news, often spread on social media. It's crucial to be critical of information encountered online and verify its credibility from trustworthy sources.


A follower who demonstrates a strong interest in your brand or content. Cultivating a loyal fanbase is essential for building a thriving social media presence.


A personalized stream of content displayed on social media platforms, showcasing posts from users and pages you follow. Algorithms curate the content based on your interests and engagement patterns.


A social media user who has subscribed to your content updates and will see your posts in their feed. Growing your follower base is crucial for expanding your reach and audience.

Finsta (Fake Instagram)

A private Instagram account often used to share content that wouldn't be suitable for a public profile. While Finstas can be a space for personal expression, brands might encounter brand mentions or discussions on these accounts.

Follower Growth

The process of attracting new followers to your social media channels. Strategies like running contests, collaborating with influencers, and creating engaging content can help achieve follower growth.


A marketing model that visualizes the customer journey, from initial awareness to conversion (purchase or desired action). Social media plays a vital role in various stages of the marketing funnel.

False Negative (FN)

In classification tasks, a false negative refers to a data point that the model incorrectly identifies as negative when it's actually positive.



A tag that indicates the geographical location of a photo/video published on a social network. Adding geotags can provide context and help users discover content from specific locations.


A location-based marketing technique that allows you to target users within a specific geographic area with social media ads or content. This helps personalize the user experience and ensure your message reaches a relevant audience.


Animated images or short video clips widely used on social media platforms to express emotions and add humor or visual interest to your content.


A feature on social media platforms that allows multiple users to connect and share content within a dedicated space. Groups can be a valuable tool for building communities around shared interests.

Guerrilla Marketing

Unconventional and often low-budget marketing tactics that leverage social media to generate buzz and brand awareness.

Generative AI

This refers to AI models that can create new content, such as text, images, or videos. While still under development, generative AI has the potential to revolutionize social media marketing by assisting with content creation and personalization.

Ghost Follower

An inactive or fake account following your social media profile. Ghost followers can inflate your follower count but don't contribute to real engagement. Tools and services can help identify and remove ghost followers.


The use of game mechanics and elements (points, badges, leaderboards) in non-game contexts, such as social media marketing campaigns. Gamification can increase user engagement and encourage participation.

Gray Area Content

Content that teeters on the edge of violating a social media platform's community guidelines. It's crucial to understand and adhere to platform guidelines to avoid having your content removed or your account suspended.



A word or phrase prefixed with # that categorizes content and allows users to discover relevant topics and conversations. Using relevant hashtags can increase your content's discoverability.


Your username or alias on a social media platform.

Highlight (Instagram)

A compilation of Stories on Instagram that remain viewable on your profile even after the 24-hour window. Highlights allow you to showcase curated content and provide a snapshot of your brand or personality.


The title or introductory phrase of a social media post that grabs attention and entices users to read further. Craft compelling headlines that pique audience interest.

Human-Centered Design

An approach to social media marketing that prioritizes the user experience. Understanding your audience's needs and preferences is crucial for crafting engaging content.



The number of times your content appears on a user's screen, regardless of whether they engage with it. Impressions are a basic metric for measuring content reach.

Influencer Marketing

The practice of partnering with social media personalities (influencers) to promote a brand or product to their audience. Influencers can help brands reach a wider audience and build trust.


A term used to describe something visually appealing and well-suited for capturing and sharing on Instagram. Many businesses strive to create "Instagrammable" experiences or products to attract user-generated content.

Inbound Marketing

A marketing strategy that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored totheir interests. Social media is a key platform for inbound marketing efforts.


Data and analytics provided by social media platforms that offer valuable insights into your audience demographics, content performance, and engagement metrics. Understanding these insights is crucial for optimizing your social media strategy.

Image Recognition

AI technology that can identify and classify objects, people, and scenes within an image. This can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content moderation or targeted advertising.



Someone who can handle various social media tasks, from content creation to community management.

Jam Session

A collaborative live stream where multiple users contribute content or participate in a discussion on a social media platform.


A powerful or unstoppable force. In social media marketing, a juggernaut can refer to a brand or influencer with a massive and highly engaged following.


While a fictional name (from Iron Man), JARVIS represents the potential of AI assistants that can manage various tasks, potentially including social media content creation or management in the future. Atlabs is building the JARVIS for your team.



A system where good or bad deeds are believed to be rewarded or punished. On social media, positive interactions (likes, comments) can be seen as "good karma," while negative interactions might be seen as "bad karma."

Keyboard Warrior

Someone who expresses aggressive or inflammatory views online, often anonymously.


A public expression of praise or admiration. On social media, kudos can be given through likes, comments, or sharing content.


A measurable value that reflects how effectively a marketing campaign or social media strategy is achieving its objectives. Setting clear KPIs helps you track progress and optimize your approach.

Knowledge Graph

A large database of interconnected information entities, used by AI models to understand and process information. Knowledge graphs can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content personalization and recommendation systems.


A term used in influencer marketing to describe an influencer's appeal and influence beyond just follower count. Factors like engagement rate and brand alignment contribute to K-Factor.

Kill fee

A fee paid to an influencer if a brand partnership is terminated before completion.


Live Stream

A real-time broadcast of video and audio content on a social media platform. Live streams can be a powerful tool for connecting with audiences in an interactive way.


A social media user who reads posts and views content but doesn't actively participate by liking, commenting, or sharing.

Landing Page

A web page designed specifically for a marketing campaign, often reached by clicking on a social media ad. Landing pages typically have a clear call to action (CTA) to encourage conversions.


A powerful AI model trained on massive amounts of text data. LLMs have the potential to revolutionize social media marketing by assisting with tasks like content creation, sentiment analysis, and personalized marketing messages.

Lens (Snapchat)

Snapchat Lenses are augmented reality filters that users can apply to their photos and videos, adding special effects and animations. These can be a fun and engaging way to create unique content and increase user interaction.

Link In Bio

Since Instagram profiles only allow one clickable link, the "link in bio" refers to the space in the profile description where users can add a URL that directs users to a specific website, landing page, or another social media profile. Many users leverage services that allow them to create a micro-landing page with multiple links accessible through the single link in bio.

Link Building

A general SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy that involves acquiring links from other websites to your own website. While not directly a social media marketing term, link building can be relevant if you're driving traffic from social media to your website and want to improve your website's search ranking.



The act of referencing another user or account in a social media post by using their username preceded by an "@" symbol. Mentions are a great way to spark conversations and increase visibility.


A cultural phenomenon or image often accompanied by text, spread virally on the internet. Memes can be a powerful tool for social media marketing if used strategically to create relatable and engaging content.


An influencer with a smaller but highly engaged following, often within a specific niche. Partnering with micro-influencers can be an effective strategy for reaching a targeted audience and building trust.


The action of temporarily silencing a user or account on a social media platform. This allows you to filter out their content from your feed without unfollowing them completely.


The act of leveraging an existing meme and modifying it to promote a brand or product. This can be a risky strategy, as it's crucial to ensure the meme aligns with your brand voice and doesn't come across as disrespectful to the original meme.


The portion of a target audience's attention that is dedicated to a particular brand or message. Social media marketing aims to capture a significant share of your target audience's mindshare.

Multimodal Learning

A type of AI that can learn from and process multiple forms of data, such as text, images, and audio. Atlabs employing multi-modal AI agents to understand complex content and user behavior more effectively.


A term encompassing all aspects of communication used to promote a product, brand, or service. Social media plays a vital role in modern marketing communication strategies.



A blend of "net" and "citizen," referring to an active participant in online communities, especially social media. pen_spark

NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

A content warning used to indicate that a post or image might be inappropriate for viewing in a professional setting due to nudity, violence, or offensive language.


A specialized segment of a market with specific interests or needs. Social media marketing often focuses on targeting niche audiences to deliver highly relevant content.


An influencer with a very small but highly engaged following, often within a very specific niche. Partnering with nano-influencers can be an effective way to reach a hyper-targeted audience.


A subfield of AI that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. NLP can be used in social media marketing for tasks like sentiment analysis, content creation, and chatbots.


A metric used to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty. While not exclusive to social media, NPS can be measured through social media interactions and surveys to understand customer sentiment.


The act of capitalizing on current events or trending news stories to promote your brand or product. This can be an effective strategy to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience, but it's crucial to be respectful of the news event and avoid seeming insensitive.


The etiquette of online communication, including social media. Netiquette guidelines encourage respectful and responsible behavior when interacting with others online.


Irrelevant or unwanted information that can clutter a social media feed and distract users from your content.


Organic Reach

Organic reach refers to the number of unique people who see and engage with your content on social media without any paid promotion or advertising. Organic reach occurs from followers engaging with posts or people seeing their social media friends sharing or engaging with the content.


The act of disclosing too much personal information on social media. It's important to be mindful of what you share online and maintain boundaries.

Outbound Marketing

A marketing strategy that involves actively reaching out to potential customers through various channels, such as advertisingor cold calls. Social media marketing can be used as part of an outbound strategy, but it's often more effective when combined with inbound marketing techniques.


The process of improving something to achieve the best possible results. In social media marketing, optimization involves constantly refining your content, strategy, and targeting to maximize engagement and reach.

OG (Original Gangster)

On social media, OG can be used to refer to someone who has been on a platform for a long time or is considered an authority figure within a specific online community.

Owned Media

Content that a brand or business creates and controls, such as blog posts, social media content, or website content. Owned media is a cornerstone of content marketing strategies.


When a particular hashtag or content theme becomes too common, leading to decreased impact or user fatigue.


PM (Private Message)

A direct message sent to another user on a social media platform.

Persona (Buyer Persona)

A fictional representation of your ideal customer, used in marketing to tailor your content and messaging to resonate with their interests and needs.

Paid Advertising

The use of paid social media ads to reach a wider audience and achieve specific marketing goals. Paid advertising allows for targeted demographics and interests.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

An advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time someone clicks on their ad. PPC advertising is common on social media platforms.


The act of tailoring content, advertising, and recommendations to individual user preferences and behavior. AI can play a significant role in social media marketing personalization.


A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details by pretending to be a legitimate company or person. Be cautious of suspicious links or messages on social media.

Power User

A highly active and influential user on a social media platform.



Stands for "crying" or "sad" and is often used in online gaming communities.


Informal way to refer to a Quote Tweet on Twitter.


A session where a user or brand invites questions from their audience and then responds to them publicly. Q&As can be a great way to engage with followers, build trust, and address their concerns.



The number of unique people who see your content on social media, regardless of whether they engage with it. Organic reach (without paid promotion) can be influenced by factors like follower count, posting frequency, and content relevance.


A metric that measures the profitability of an investment. In social media marketing, ROI can be used to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns by comparing the costs to the benefits (increased brand awareness, website traffic, leads, etc.).


An online advertising technique that shows ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or social media content. This can be a powerful way to stay top-of-mind with potential customers who haven't converted yet.

Referral program

A marketing strategy that incentivizes existing customers to recommend your product or service to others. Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting referral programs.

Reputation Management

The process of monitoring and influencing the online perception of a brand or person. Social media plays a crucial role in reputation management, as it allows for direct communication with audiences and addressing concerns.


Social Listening

Social listening involves actively monitoring online conversations to understand what people are saying about your brand, industry, or competitors.

Social Commerce

Social commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services directly through social media platforms.


It involves optimizing your content and social media profiles to rank higher in search engine results when people search for relevant keywords. This can drive organic traffic to your social media profiles


A suspected (but not officially confirmed) practice by social media platforms where they restrict the reach of a user's content without notifying them. This can happen due to repeated violations of community guidelines or posting spammy content.

Social Inbox

A centralized location within a social media platform where you can manage all your incoming messages, comments, and mentions from various channels. This helps you stay organized and respond to your audience effectively.

Social Media Automation

Using tools to automate repetitive tasks on social media, such as scheduling posts, responding to comments, or sending direct messages. Automation can save time, but it's crucial to use it strategically and maintain a human touch in your interactions.

Social Media Marketing

The broader process of managing a brand's social media presence. It encompasses tasks like content creation, scheduling, community management, analytics reporting, and staying updated on social media trends.

Social Media Management

A centralized location within a social media platform where you can manage all your incoming messages, comments, and mentions from various channels. This helps you stay organized and respond to your audience effectively.

Social Media ROI (Return on Investment)

Measuring the effectiveness of your social media campaigns to understand the return you're getting on your investment (time, money, resources). This can involve metrics like website traffic, lead generation, brand awareness, and customer engagement.

Social Proof

The psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to trust or try something if they see others doing the same. Social media platforms leverage social proof through features like likes, shares, reviews, and influencer marketing.

Social Selling

The use of social media platforms to connect with potential customers, build relationships, and ultimately drive sales. This can involve engaging in conversations, sharing valuable content, and promoting your products or services in a non-intrusive way.


A slang term for an overly enthusiastic or obsessive fan of a particular celebrity, musician, or public figure.

Sponsored Post

A social media post created by a brand or influencer that is paid for to reach a wider audience. Sponsored posts are typically labeled as "sponsored" or "ad" to ensure transparency.


A temporary photo and video sharing format on various social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Stories disappear after a set time (usually 24 hours), creating a sense of urgency and encouraging viewers to engage in real-time.


Targeted Advertising

Delivering ads to specific users based on their demographics, interests, online behavior, and other factors. This allows for more relevant and effective advertising compared to untargeted ads.

Trending Topic

A subject or hashtag that is gaining significant popularity on a social media platform at a particular point in time.

Topical Authority

The perceived expertise or knowledge of a brand or individual on a specific subject. Social media content that demonstrates thought leadership can help establish topical authority.

Thought Leadership

Positioning yourself or your brand as an authority in your industry by sharing valuable insights and expertise. Social media is a powerful platform for thought leadership content.


AI technology that converts written text into spoken audio. Atlabs has one of the best TTS model for social video creation in the market.

Tea Spill

Sharing gossip or insider information online, often on social media.


An internet user who posts inflammatory, off-topic, or deliberately offensive content with the intent to provoke a reaction from others. Trolls often disrupt online conversations and create a negative atmosphere.

Touch Grass

Primarily an online insult, often used in response to someone expressing an opinion or engaging in behavior perceived as overly negative, obsessive, or out of touch with reality. It suggests the person needs to disconnect from the internet and reconnect with the real world.



It refers to content created by users, such as photos, videos, or reviews, that is shared on social media platforms. UGC can be a powerful marketing tool as it builds trust and authenticity.


This term is primarily used on platforms like Reddit. An upvote indicates agreement or approval of a post or comment.

URL Shortener

URL shorteners are fantastic tools for keeping your social media posts concise and visually appealing. They take a long, often messy, URL and transform it into a shorter, more manageable link.


Vanity Metrics

Statistics that look good on the surface but don't necessarily reflect the true performance or value of your social media efforts. Examples include high follower counts or large numbers of likes. While these might seem impressive, they don't necessarily translate to engagement or conversions.

Verified Account

A social media account that has been officially confirmed by the platform to be the authentic profile of a public figure, brand, or organization. Verification badges (often a checkmark symbol) signify legitimacy and can boost trust and credibility.

Viral Marketing

A marketing strategy that aims to create content that is shared rapidly and widely across social media platforms. Viral content can be anything from funny videos to informative articles, and its success often relies on strong emotional triggers and shareability.


A blog where content is presented primarily in a video format. Vlogs can be a great way to share personal stories, tutorials, or reviews on social media platforms like YouTube.


Wholesome Content

Content that is positive, uplifting, and generally avoids negativity or offensive themes. Wholesome content can be a great way to create a positive and engaging online community.


In social media marketing, a whitelist can refer to a list of approved users, influencers, or partners who can access exclusive content or participate in specific campaigns.


A slang term often used on social media to refer to the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Watch Time

The total time users spend watching videos on social media platforms.



This abbreviation stands for "hugs and kisses" and is often used to express affection or well wishes in online communication, including social media comments and messages.



A social media meme and slang term used to express a carefree or impulsive attitude. While not inherently negative, it can sometimes be associated with risky or reckless behavior.


A lengthy and often unproductive online conversation.


An expression of surprise, dismay, or awkwardness, often used in online chats and comments.



The unseen puppeteer of social media feeds. Algorithms curate content based on user behavior, influencing what people see and interact with. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for crafting content that gets noticed.

AMA (Ask Me Anything)

An interactive Q&A session hosted on social media platforms like Reddit or Twitter. AMAs are a great way for brands and personalities to connect with their audience and generate buzz.


Your digital face in the social media world! Avatars are profile pictures that visually represent you or your brand.


Numbers that tell a story! Social media analytics provide insights into your content's performance, helping you understand what resonates with your audience and optimize your strategy.

A/B Test

A scientific method used to compare two variations of social media content, such as posts or ads, to see which one performs better. A/B testing helps you optimize your content for engagement, reach, or other desired outcomes.

AI Agents

In AI, an agent is an entity that can perceive its environment and take actions that affect that environment. Agents take actions autonomously in order to achieve goals, and may improve its performance with learning or acquiring knowledge.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

A hypothetical type of AI that would possess human-level intelligence and be able to apply that intelligence to any intellectual task. AGI does not currently exist.


The unseen puppeteer of social media feeds. Algorithms curate content based on user behavior, influencing what people see and interact with. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for crafting content that gets noticed.



Your short introduction on social media profiles. Craft a compelling bio that grabs attention and tells your audience who you are and what you do.


A website or online journal where you share information and insights in a conversational style. Blogs can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your social media channels.


Short for robot, social media bots are automated accounts that can perform various tasks like sending messages, following users, or moderating comments.

Brand Advocacy

When customers or fans become champions for your brand, promoting it organically on social media.

Brand Awareness

The first stage of the marketing funnel, where you make potential customers aware of your brand or product. Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness.

Brand Guidelines

A document that outlines your brand's voice, personality, and visual identity. These guidelines ensure consistency across all your marketing channels, including social media.

Brand Storytelling

The art of crafting narratives that connect with your audience on an emotional level. Social media is a perfect platform for brand storytelling.

Blended Intelligence

Combining human expertise with AI capabilities to achieve optimal results in social media marketing.

Buyer Persona

Detailed profile of a fictional character representing your ideal customer. Buyer personas are created based on market research and real data about your existing customers. They help you understand your target audience's needs, wants, challenges, and goals. This understanding allows you to tailor your marketing messages, products, and services to better resonate with your ideal customers.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

Final stage in the sales funnel, also known as the customer journey.


Call to Action (CTA)

A clear and concise instruction that tells users what you want them to do after seeing your social media content. Examples include "Click Here to Learn More" or "Shop Now."


Content with sensational headlines designed to grab attention but often misleading or disappointing upon clicking.

Community Management

The ongoing process of building, engaging with, and nurturing a community around your brand on social media platforms.

Content Calendar

A plan that outlines the types of content you will share on social media and when. A well-organized content calendar helps maintain consistency and achieve your social media goals.

Content Curation

The process of finding, collecting, and sharing valuable content from various sources on your social media channels.

Carousel Ads

A format for social media advertising that allows you to showcase multiple images or videos in a swipeable format, providing a more immersive experience for viewers.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of users who click on a link in your social media content after seeing it. A high CTR indicates that your content is engaging and relevant to your audience.

Conversion Tracking

Monitoring the actions users take after interacting with your social media content. Conversion tracking helps you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

Content Personalization

Using AI to tailor social media content to individual users based on their interests, demographics, and past behavior. This leads to a more relevant and engaging experience.


Text accompanying an image or video post on social media. Effective captions are clear, concise, and engaging, often incorporating calls to action and relevant hashtags.

Channel Art

The banner image displayed at the top of a YouTube channel. It's a prime piece of real estate for branding and grabbing viewers' attention.

Channel Trailer

A short video on a YouTube channel that introduces viewers to the channel's content and personality.


Sharing the same content across multiple social media platforms to maximize reach and engagement. However, tailoring content for each platform can be more effective.

CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

The amount you pay each time someone clicks on your social media ad. Understanding CPC helps you optimize your ad budget for maximum return on investment (ROI).

CPL (Cost-Per-Lead)

The amount you pay for each lead generated through your social media marketing efforts. Tracking CPL helps you assess the effectiveness of your lead generation campaigns.


This term isn't as widely used but can refer to the ratio of positive to negative customer feedback received on social media.

CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)

Similar to CFBR, CSAT gauges customer satisfaction but can encompass a broader range of feedback methods, potentially including social media interactions.

Creative Commons

A set of licenses that allow creators to share their work while specifying how others can use it. Understanding Creative Commons is crucial when using copyrighted material on social media.


Individuals who produce content for social media platforms, such as bloggers, YouTubers, and influencers.


In social media advertising, a cap can refer to a spending limit set for a campaign.


Dark Posts

Content created specifically for targeted advertising campaigns that are not visible to everyone on a social media platform. (Note: Facebook has announced plans to increase transparency around paid advertising).

Direct Message (DM)

A private message sent directly to another user's social media inbox. DMs are a great way for communication between brands and followers or for private conversations among friends.

Disappearing Content

Content that automatically deletes itself after a set period of time, such as Stories on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. This format creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, potentially boosting engagement.

Demand Generation

Strategies used to generate interest and leads for a product or service. Social media can be a powerful tool for demand generation through targeted campaigns and content marketing.

Deep Learning

A type of AI that uses artificial neural networks to learn from vast amounts of data. Deep learning can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content personalization and ad targeting.


The act of mindlessly scrolling through negative or upsetting content on social media, often leading to feelings of anxiety or depression.

Drip Campaign

A series of automated emails or messages sent to leads or customers over a period of time, nurturing relationships and promoting products or services.

Dialogue Management

This refers to the AI agent's ability to understand and respond to user queries in a natural, conversational way. It involves techniques like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to interpret user intent and provide relevant information.


Embedded Media

Digital media (video, audio, etc.) from one platform seamlessly integrated into another platform's content. This allows for a richer user experience without leaving the current platform.


Small digital icons or illustrations used to express emotions, ideas, or objects in online communication. Emojis can add personality and humor to social media content.

Ephemeral Content

Content that disappears after a set time, such as Stories on various platforms. This format fosters a sense of urgency and exclusivity, potentially boosting engagement.

Employee Advocacy

A strategy where a company encourages its employees to promote the brand and its products or services on their personal social media channels. This leverages the trust and authenticity employees bring to build brand awareness.

Evergreen Content

Content that remains relevant and valuable over time, regardless of publication date. Evergreen content is ideal for social media platforms where users might encounter older posts.

Emotion Recognition

AI technology that can detect emotions in text, audio, or video data. This can be used in social media marketing to analyze audience sentiment and tailor content accordingly.

Drip Campaign

A series of automated emails or messages sent to leads or customers over a period of time, nurturing relationships and promoting products or services.

Dialogue Management

This refers to the AI agent's ability to understand and respond to user queries in a natural, conversational way. It involves techniques like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to interpret user intent and provide relevant information.


Fake News

Fabricated or misleading information presented as news, often spread on social media. It's crucial to be critical of information encountered online and verify its credibility from trustworthy sources.


A follower who demonstrates a strong interest in your brand or content. Cultivating a loyal fanbase is essential for building a thriving social media presence.


A personalized stream of content displayed on social media platforms, showcasing posts from users and pages you follow. Algorithms curate the content based on your interests and engagement patterns.


A social media user who has subscribed to your content updates and will see your posts in their feed. Growing your follower base is crucial for expanding your reach and audience.

Finsta (Fake Instagram)

A private Instagram account often used to share content that wouldn't be suitable for a public profile. While Finstas can be a space for personal expression, brands might encounter brand mentions or discussions on these accounts.

Follower Growth

The process of attracting new followers to your social media channels. Strategies like running contests, collaborating with influencers, and creating engaging content can help achieve follower growth.


A marketing model that visualizes the customer journey, from initial awareness to conversion (purchase or desired action). Social media plays a vital role in various stages of the marketing funnel.

False Negative (FN)

In classification tasks, a false negative refers to a data point that the model incorrectly identifies as negative when it's actually positive.



A tag that indicates the geographical location of a photo/video published on a social network. Adding geotags can provide context and help users discover content from specific locations.


A location-based marketing technique that allows you to target users within a specific geographic area with social media ads or content. This helps personalize the user experience and ensure your message reaches a relevant audience.


Animated images or short video clips widely used on social media platforms to express emotions and add humor or visual interest to your content.


A feature on social media platforms that allows multiple users to connect and share content within a dedicated space. Groups can be a valuable tool for building communities around shared interests.

Guerrilla Marketing

Unconventional and often low-budget marketing tactics that leverage social media to generate buzz and brand awareness.

Generative AI

This refers to AI models that can create new content, such as text, images, or videos. While still under development, generative AI has the potential to revolutionize social media marketing by assisting with content creation and personalization.

Ghost Follower

An inactive or fake account following your social media profile. Ghost followers can inflate your follower count but don't contribute to real engagement. Tools and services can help identify and remove ghost followers.


The use of game mechanics and elements (points, badges, leaderboards) in non-game contexts, such as social media marketing campaigns. Gamification can increase user engagement and encourage participation.

Gray Area Content

Content that teeters on the edge of violating a social media platform's community guidelines. It's crucial to understand and adhere to platform guidelines to avoid having your content removed or your account suspended.



A word or phrase prefixed with # that categorizes content and allows users to discover relevant topics and conversations. Using relevant hashtags can increase your content's discoverability.


Your username or alias on a social media platform.

Highlight (Instagram)

A compilation of Stories on Instagram that remain viewable on your profile even after the 24-hour window. Highlights allow you to showcase curated content and provide a snapshot of your brand or personality.


The title or introductory phrase of a social media post that grabs attention and entices users to read further. Craft compelling headlines that pique audience interest.

Human-Centered Design

An approach to social media marketing that prioritizes the user experience. Understanding your audience's needs and preferences is crucial for crafting engaging content.



The number of times your content appears on a user's screen, regardless of whether they engage with it. Impressions are a basic metric for measuring content reach.

Influencer Marketing

The practice of partnering with social media personalities (influencers) to promote a brand or product to their audience. Influencers can help brands reach a wider audience and build trust.


A term used to describe something visually appealing and well-suited for capturing and sharing on Instagram. Many businesses strive to create "Instagrammable" experiences or products to attract user-generated content.

Inbound Marketing

A marketing strategy that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored totheir interests. Social media is a key platform for inbound marketing efforts.


Data and analytics provided by social media platforms that offer valuable insights into your audience demographics, content performance, and engagement metrics. Understanding these insights is crucial for optimizing your social media strategy.

Image Recognition

AI technology that can identify and classify objects, people, and scenes within an image. This can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content moderation or targeted advertising.



Someone who can handle various social media tasks, from content creation to community management.

Jam Session

A collaborative live stream where multiple users contribute content or participate in a discussion on a social media platform.


A powerful or unstoppable force. In social media marketing, a juggernaut can refer to a brand or influencer with a massive and highly engaged following.


While a fictional name (from Iron Man), JARVIS represents the potential of AI assistants that can manage various tasks, potentially including social media content creation or management in the future. Atlabs is building the JARVIS for your team.



A system where good or bad deeds are believed to be rewarded or punished. On social media, positive interactions (likes, comments) can be seen as "good karma," while negative interactions might be seen as "bad karma."

Keyboard Warrior

Someone who expresses aggressive or inflammatory views online, often anonymously.


A public expression of praise or admiration. On social media, kudos can be given through likes, comments, or sharing content.


A measurable value that reflects how effectively a marketing campaign or social media strategy is achieving its objectives. Setting clear KPIs helps you track progress and optimize your approach.

Knowledge Graph

A large database of interconnected information entities, used by AI models to understand and process information. Knowledge graphs can be used in social media marketing for tasks like content personalization and recommendation systems.


A term used in influencer marketing to describe an influencer's appeal and influence beyond just follower count. Factors like engagement rate and brand alignment contribute to K-Factor.

Kill fee

A fee paid to an influencer if a brand partnership is terminated before completion.


Live Stream

A real-time broadcast of video and audio content on a social media platform. Live streams can be a powerful tool for connecting with audiences in an interactive way.


A social media user who reads posts and views content but doesn't actively participate by liking, commenting, or sharing.

Landing Page

A web page designed specifically for a marketing campaign, often reached by clicking on a social media ad. Landing pages typically have a clear call to action (CTA) to encourage conversions.


A powerful AI model trained on massive amounts of text data. LLMs have the potential to revolutionize social media marketing by assisting with tasks like content creation, sentiment analysis, and personalized marketing messages.

Lens (Snapchat)

Snapchat Lenses are augmented reality filters that users can apply to their photos and videos, adding special effects and animations. These can be a fun and engaging way to create unique content and increase user interaction.

Link In Bio

Since Instagram profiles only allow one clickable link, the "link in bio" refers to the space in the profile description where users can add a URL that directs users to a specific website, landing page, or another social media profile. Many users leverage services that allow them to create a micro-landing page with multiple links accessible through the single link in bio.

Link Building

A general SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy that involves acquiring links from other websites to your own website. While not directly a social media marketing term, link building can be relevant if you're driving traffic from social media to your website and want to improve your website's search ranking.



The act of referencing another user or account in a social media post by using their username preceded by an "@" symbol. Mentions are a great way to spark conversations and increase visibility.


A cultural phenomenon or image often accompanied by text, spread virally on the internet. Memes can be a powerful tool for social media marketing if used strategically to create relatable and engaging content.


An influencer with a smaller but highly engaged following, often within a specific niche. Partnering with micro-influencers can be an effective strategy for reaching a targeted audience and building trust.


The action of temporarily silencing a user or account on a social media platform. This allows you to filter out their content from your feed without unfollowing them completely.


The act of leveraging an existing meme and modifying it to promote a brand or product. This can be a risky strategy, as it's crucial to ensure the meme aligns with your brand voice and doesn't come across as disrespectful to the original meme.


The portion of a target audience's attention that is dedicated to a particular brand or message. Social media marketing aims to capture a significant share of your target audience's mindshare.

Multimodal Learning

A type of AI that can learn from and process multiple forms of data, such as text, images, and audio. Atlabs employing multi-modal AI agents to understand complex content and user behavior more effectively.


A term encompassing all aspects of communication used to promote a product, brand, or service. Social media plays a vital role in modern marketing communication strategies.



A blend of "net" and "citizen," referring to an active participant in online communities, especially social media. pen_spark

NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

A content warning used to indicate that a post or image might be inappropriate for viewing in a professional setting due to nudity, violence, or offensive language.


A specialized segment of a market with specific interests or needs. Social media marketing often focuses on targeting niche audiences to deliver highly relevant content.


An influencer with a very small but highly engaged following, often within a very specific niche. Partnering with nano-influencers can be an effective way to reach a hyper-targeted audience.


A subfield of AI that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. NLP can be used in social media marketing for tasks like sentiment analysis, content creation, and chatbots.


A metric used to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty. While not exclusive to social media, NPS can be measured through social media interactions and surveys to understand customer sentiment.


The act of capitalizing on current events or trending news stories to promote your brand or product. This can be an effective strategy to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience, but it's crucial to be respectful of the news event and avoid seeming insensitive.


The etiquette of online communication, including social media. Netiquette guidelines encourage respectful and responsible behavior when interacting with others online.


Irrelevant or unwanted information that can clutter a social media feed and distract users from your content.


Organic Reach

Organic reach refers to the number of unique people who see and engage with your content on social media without any paid promotion or advertising. Organic reach occurs from followers engaging with posts or people seeing their social media friends sharing or engaging with the content.


The act of disclosing too much personal information on social media. It's important to be mindful of what you share online and maintain boundaries.

Outbound Marketing

A marketing strategy that involves actively reaching out to potential customers through various channels, such as advertisingor cold calls. Social media marketing can be used as part of an outbound strategy, but it's often more effective when combined with inbound marketing techniques.


The process of improving something to achieve the best possible results. In social media marketing, optimization involves constantly refining your content, strategy, and targeting to maximize engagement and reach.

OG (Original Gangster)

On social media, OG can be used to refer to someone who has been on a platform for a long time or is considered an authority figure within a specific online community.

Owned Media

Content that a brand or business creates and controls, such as blog posts, social media content, or website content. Owned media is a cornerstone of content marketing strategies.


When a particular hashtag or content theme becomes too common, leading to decreased impact or user fatigue.


PM (Private Message)

A direct message sent to another user on a social media platform.

Persona (Buyer Persona)

A fictional representation of your ideal customer, used in marketing to tailor your content and messaging to resonate with their interests and needs.

Paid Advertising

The use of paid social media ads to reach a wider audience and achieve specific marketing goals. Paid advertising allows for targeted demographics and interests.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

An advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time someone clicks on their ad. PPC advertising is common on social media platforms.


The act of tailoring content, advertising, and recommendations to individual user preferences and behavior. AI can play a significant role in social media marketing personalization.


A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details by pretending to be a legitimate company or person. Be cautious of suspicious links or messages on social media.

Power User

A highly active and influential user on a social media platform.



Stands for "crying" or "sad" and is often used in online gaming communities.


Informal way to refer to a Quote Tweet on Twitter.


A session where a user or brand invites questions from their audience and then responds to them publicly. Q&As can be a great way to engage with followers, build trust, and address their concerns.



The number of unique people who see your content on social media, regardless of whether they engage with it. Organic reach (without paid promotion) can be influenced by factors like follower count, posting frequency, and content relevance.


A metric that measures the profitability of an investment. In social media marketing, ROI can be used to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns by comparing the costs to the benefits (increased brand awareness, website traffic, leads, etc.).


An online advertising technique that shows ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or social media content. This can be a powerful way to stay top-of-mind with potential customers who haven't converted yet.

Referral program

A marketing strategy that incentivizes existing customers to recommend your product or service to others. Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting referral programs.

Reputation Management

The process of monitoring and influencing the online perception of a brand or person. Social media plays a crucial role in reputation management, as it allows for direct communication with audiences and addressing concerns.


Social Listening

Social listening involves actively monitoring online conversations to understand what people are saying about your brand, industry, or competitors.

Social Commerce

Social commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services directly through social media platforms.


It involves optimizing your content and social media profiles to rank higher in search engine results when people search for relevant keywords. This can drive organic traffic to your social media profiles


A suspected (but not officially confirmed) practice by social media platforms where they restrict the reach of a user's content without notifying them. This can happen due to repeated violations of community guidelines or posting spammy content.

Social Inbox

A centralized location within a social media platform where you can manage all your incoming messages, comments, and mentions from various channels. This helps you stay organized and respond to your audience effectively.

Social Media Automation

Using tools to automate repetitive tasks on social media, such as scheduling posts, responding to comments, or sending direct messages. Automation can save time, but it's crucial to use it strategically and maintain a human touch in your interactions.

Social Media Marketing

The broader process of managing a brand's social media presence. It encompasses tasks like content creation, scheduling, community management, analytics reporting, and staying updated on social media trends.

Social Media Management

A centralized location within a social media platform where you can manage all your incoming messages, comments, and mentions from various channels. This helps you stay organized and respond to your audience effectively.

Social Media ROI (Return on Investment)

Measuring the effectiveness of your social media campaigns to understand the return you're getting on your investment (time, money, resources). This can involve metrics like website traffic, lead generation, brand awareness, and customer engagement.

Social Proof

The psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to trust or try something if they see others doing the same. Social media platforms leverage social proof through features like likes, shares, reviews, and influencer marketing.

Social Selling

The use of social media platforms to connect with potential customers, build relationships, and ultimately drive sales. This can involve engaging in conversations, sharing valuable content, and promoting your products or services in a non-intrusive way.


A slang term for an overly enthusiastic or obsessive fan of a particular celebrity, musician, or public figure.

Sponsored Post

A social media post created by a brand or influencer that is paid for to reach a wider audience. Sponsored posts are typically labeled as "sponsored" or "ad" to ensure transparency.


A temporary photo and video sharing format on various social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Stories disappear after a set time (usually 24 hours), creating a sense of urgency and encouraging viewers to engage in real-time.


Targeted Advertising

Delivering ads to specific users based on their demographics, interests, online behavior, and other factors. This allows for more relevant and effective advertising compared to untargeted ads.

Trending Topic

A subject or hashtag that is gaining significant popularity on a social media platform at a particular point in time.

Topical Authority

The perceived expertise or knowledge of a brand or individual on a specific subject. Social media content that demonstrates thought leadership can help establish topical authority.

Thought Leadership

Positioning yourself or your brand as an authority in your industry by sharing valuable insights and expertise. Social media is a powerful platform for thought leadership content.


AI technology that converts written text into spoken audio. Atlabs has one of the best TTS model for social video creation in the market.

Tea Spill

Sharing gossip or insider information online, often on social media.


An internet user who posts inflammatory, off-topic, or deliberately offensive content with the intent to provoke a reaction from others. Trolls often disrupt online conversations and create a negative atmosphere.

Touch Grass

Primarily an online insult, often used in response to someone expressing an opinion or engaging in behavior perceived as overly negative, obsessive, or out of touch with reality. It suggests the person needs to disconnect from the internet and reconnect with the real world.



It refers to content created by users, such as photos, videos, or reviews, that is shared on social media platforms. UGC can be a powerful marketing tool as it builds trust and authenticity.


This term is primarily used on platforms like Reddit. An upvote indicates agreement or approval of a post or comment.

URL Shortener

URL shorteners are fantastic tools for keeping your social media posts concise and visually appealing. They take a long, often messy, URL and transform it into a shorter, more manageable link.


Vanity Metrics

Statistics that look good on the surface but don't necessarily reflect the true performance or value of your social media efforts. Examples include high follower counts or large numbers of likes. While these might seem impressive, they don't necessarily translate to engagement or conversions.

Verified Account

A social media account that has been officially confirmed by the platform to be the authentic profile of a public figure, brand, or organization. Verification badges (often a checkmark symbol) signify legitimacy and can boost trust and credibility.

Viral Marketing

A marketing strategy that aims to create content that is shared rapidly and widely across social media platforms. Viral content can be anything from funny videos to informative articles, and its success often relies on strong emotional triggers and shareability.


A blog where content is presented primarily in a video format. Vlogs can be a great way to share personal stories, tutorials, or reviews on social media platforms like YouTube.


Wholesome Content

Content that is positive, uplifting, and generally avoids negativity or offensive themes. Wholesome content can be a great way to create a positive and engaging online community.


In social media marketing, a whitelist can refer to a list of approved users, influencers, or partners who can access exclusive content or participate in specific campaigns.


A slang term often used on social media to refer to the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Watch Time

The total time users spend watching videos on social media platforms.



This abbreviation stands for "hugs and kisses" and is often used to express affection or well wishes in online communication, including social media comments and messages.



A social media meme and slang term used to express a carefree or impulsive attitude. While not inherently negative, it can sometimes be associated with risky or reckless behavior.


A lengthy and often unproductive online conversation.


An expression of surprise, dismay, or awkwardness, often used in online chats and comments.

The first video creator tailored for businesses.

The first video creator tailored for businesses.

The first video creator tailored for businesses.